Stage 4 restrictions in Melbourne

Open During Stage 4 Restrictions
Under stage 4 restrictions Fort Knox Self Storage will continue operating in a restricted, safe and reduced capacity. Our offices will be open as normal, 8.30am – 5pm Monday to Friday and 9am and 3pm Saturday.
Storage Unit Access
For our current clients the usual pin access to storage units applies with normal access hours. This will continue even in the event of the offices being closed.
Online Services
We have a completely online booking and sign up system that customers can now use to book a storage unit from the safety of their home. Our packing centres also have online ordering for contact free click and collect.
Safety Measures
For health and safety reasons all on-site toilets will be closed to customers. With the stage 4 restrictions in place customers will not be able to book the free move-in vans during this period.
Your health and safety is important to us so we are continuing to regularly clean and sanitise our sites, especially in the high touch areas like keypads and doors.
If you have any symptoms of Coronavirus please do not visit.