Fort Knox Goes Digital, Saving Time!
Most people these days are surrounded by technology. Smart phones, laptops, tablets all of which are slowly diminishing the need for paper. As we rapidly move towards a digital world, self storage, like every other industry has to consider new ways to keep up. Customer’s expectations change. People are utilizing digital devices for their speed and efficiency and companies need to keep pace.

Keeping these things in mind, Fort Knox Self Storage set about a review of all current practices and saw one area that we could definitely adapt for the digital age – our sign up process. Realising that there would be a great potential for saving time and increased efficiency with a digital interface, the concept of Fort Knox’s iSign was born.

Building iSign from the ground up, the team responsible for the iSign project spent weeks locked down in Fort Knox’s research and development hub. Looking at every aspect of the original customer sign up procedure. Reviewing it, analyzing it and adapting it for the digital sign up process.

Currently being beta tested out at our Moorabbin self storage facility, iSign runs on a separate, interactive, touch screen display for the customer. It removes the need for any paper forms or manual filing usually associated with traditional sign-up, saving time for potential customers. Once sign-up is finalised, the collected information is instantly stored in both Sitelink and Sharepoint. It then generates a PDF of the self storage contract, plus any other relevant information, which is emailed directly to the client. All done and dusted in a matter of seconds.

So far out at our Moorabbin facility we have seen some great results with iSign – we have found that it has reduced our overall sign-up time by above 60%. This works out to a huge 15-20 minute worth of time saving for each client. We’re also seeing less errors in customer information and more satisfied clients. Which is a win all round for everyone.