Spectacular Student Storage!
Over the next few weeks, the people of Melbourne will be getting ready for the Summer months and the things which it entails – hot days, trips to the beach, ice creams, al fresco dining, inappropriate wearing of speedos – just to name a few. And with Summer just on the doorstep, a large part of the population, our industrious students, are beginning to make their own preparations for their break away from University.

With many having already finished exams or just about to, the options for what to do are varied and many for the upcoming holiday break. Some will choose to stay at home, others will return to their folks in the country and others will holiday either interstate of overseas.
Now as a student, if you do decide to either head home for the break or choose to go on holidays, this then begs the following question – “where do you put all your stuff during this time?” Do you pack everything up and bring it home with you? Or if you are going away on holiday, it’s obviously completely impractical to consider taking all your things with you. Student Storage at Fort Knox Self Storage is one handy and convenient option is to consider. Organising a short term self storage unit to store your things whilst you are away can save you a lot of hassle.

Fort Knox Self Storage has a specifically tailored options for student storage. And at present, exclusively in at our Fort Knox City site, we are offering students 2 months for the price of one with our ‘Second Month Free’ on the presentation of your student card.

So if you’re a student who has finished exams and looking to take a break either back home or heading off on holiday somewhere, give some consideration to a self storage unit at Fort Knox to keep your things safe and secure while you’re away. We have a whole range of different sizes to suit your needs and budget and it also means that you can keep your things close and have peace of mind that they will be protected while you’re away! If student storage is something that sounds like it could be of benefit to you, give our Fort Knox City site a call on 03 9326 4088 or email us on [email protected] and let us take care of you things over the Summer break!