COVID-19 Update

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Coronavirus Update from Fort Knox Self Storage

At Fort Knox Self Storage, the health and safety of our customers and staff is our number one priority.


We are committed to operating with normal hours during this period and our offices are open as usual between 8.30am – 5pm Monday to Friday, and 9am – 3pm Saturday.

These opening hours are subject to change and at times we may have reduced staffing, so your understanding is very much appreciated.

For our current clients the usual pin access applies. This will continue even in the event of the office being closed.

Man unisng PIN to access self storage unit


To help reduce the spread of the COVID-19 virus, we have implemented the following additional measures to ensure a safer environment for you and our team:

* Asking both staff and customers to practice social distancing. We will still provide you with the same high standard of service.

* Exercising good hygiene by providing hand sanitiser, and placing hygiene and hand washing reminders throughout all sites.

* Increased cleaning and sanitisation of our offices and sites. This means that all touch points, keypads, doors, desks, and benches will be regularly disinfected during the day.

* Cleaning and disinfectant spraying our vans after each use.

* Following Australian Government Health guidelines, especially in relation to staff who exhibit any symptoms of COVID-19 or who have had contact with a confirmed case.

Before you visit

We would like to remind customers our offices are not crowded places. However, if you are showing any symptoms of the Coronavirus, we please ask you not to visit.

The situation is constantly changing so Fort Knox Self Storage will continue to review and update these arrangements on a regular basis.

Please call one of our offices if you have any questions.

Thank you for your patience and consideration during these challenging times.

For more information and the Government’s Action Plan go to

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