Beat The Heat – come down to a Fort Knox near you!

Well, after six weeks of complaining that Summer had forgotten us, she has well and truly announced herself this week! 3 days and counting above 40 degrees, Melbourne is in the midst of a heat wave.

The Heat Is On. Great tune for summer. And Beverly Hills Cop.


So, because of this we thought we would take a detour from our usual storage related blogs and discuss a bit about ways to beat the heat!

Obviously anyone and everyone can be affected by the heat, but it’s the very young, elderly and those with heart conditions that are most at risk. We have collated a list of 10 Tips to escape the heat – even if you don’t have air-conditioning!

Around The House:

1.  Keep curtains and blinds closed during the day to block the heat and direct sunlight and at night, once the temperature drops, purge the accumulated hot air by opening windows and doors.

2. Heat rises. If you have a two-storey house, stay downstairs. Sleep there, too.

Personal Heat Defense!

3. Keep hydrated! Keep a jug of drinking water in the fridge and keep water bottles full and handy. Freeze for that extra coldness.

4. Cool your caffeine. Try iced tea or an affogato, instead of hot tea or coffee.

5. Electric fans create cooling air movement using minimal electricity. For extra cooling, keep a spray bottle handy and regularly mist yourself with water.

6. It’s the best excuse you’ll get to skip your lunchtime jog. Avoid excessive activity or switch to exercising very early in the day or very late in the evening, when it is cooler.

Scorchio! Scorchio!

Out & About

7.  Remember to Slip, Slop, Slap! If you have to venture outdoors, protect yourself from the sun’s harmful UV rays by covering up with light, loose clothing, a hat and sunscreen.

8. Use reflective sunshades in the car. Open windows to purge the hot air when you first get in, before turning on cooling.

9. Get indoors! Escape the heat at air-conditioned cinemas, art galleries, libraries and other public buildings.

Coca-Cola Vintage Poster Fort Knox has a great range of ice cold drinks at their offices – Exclusively for Fort Knox customers!

10. And last but not least – get to Fort Knox Self Storage! All of our sites have air-conditioned offices and waiting rooms. We also have fully stocked fridges loaded with ice cold drinks to help keep you cool and refreshed!

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